Confirmation class, youth group meetings, student-led worship service, and special events…

CSY 522 is the Pre-Teen Youth Group (6-8th grade). They meet throughout the school year during confirmation class for fellowship and exciting excursions throughout Belleville and learn about and explore their faith. They can also go to Camp Arcadia in Arcadia, Michigan each fall for a confirmation retreat!

At Senior Youth group meetings, 9th through 12th graders gather together to play games, eat, and dive into God’s word with devotions designed just for them.

All youth are invited to lead the Open Arms Advent worship service. Youth can also lead throughout the year as ushers, greeters, tech support, acolytes, and readers during the church service. Some of the special events for youth are fundraisers to raise money for a summer mission trip, the mission trip itself, and exciting events throughout the year!


Do you have specific questions? Want to get involved? Call Open Arms at 734.699.5000 or email Ted Bower This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We hope to see you here!