Ages: 2.5 years to 3.5 years
(Ages can vary based on development)

Open Arms has a unique opportunity in this program to serve children who may be, by age, eligible for our Preschool Program but developmentally would struggle to meet the requirements for the Preschool Program. This may be due to a skill delay, toilet training delay, or lack of language skills. The Early Preschool Program will follow a Preschool schedule, but with some modifications to allow for the children to continue to work on, and master, the skills they need to be successful in the Preschool Program.

The Early Preschool Program holds a ratio of 1 teacher to 8 children. This is a lower ratio than is held in our Preschool Program (1:10), due to the need to be more closely focused on the skill-building and toilet training the children need. Additionally, the Early Preschool Program will work on the traditional skill building of letter recognition, early math and reading skills, and appropriate social interactions with peers.

The Early Preschool Program is offered year round and follows the Preschool Program transition schedule. Placement into this program is at the Director’s discretion.

Ages: 3-4 years
(This program is offered as an AM half day program [8:45am to 1:00pm] or as a full day program)

Beginning with this program, there will only be two times in the year when a child may transition. Children who are three years old and fully toilet trained are eligible for this program. The children will continue to work on peer relationships, following directions, and other self-help skills. They will focus on colors and shapes and move at their own pace while learning math and language concepts. Three year old children are still focusing on play which is key to their learning. During this time they will learn more valuable math concepts, problem solving, enhance their creativity and imaginations. They will learn skills of negotiation, problem-solving, and friendship.

Center time will be introduced in this class and further built upon in the Kindergarten Readiness Program. Center time allows for free exploration and teacher mentored activities in a small group setting.

Ages: Kindergarten - 12 years

Children in kindergarten through age 12 are eligible to enroll in the before-school/after-school "Latchkey" component of the Open Arms Program.  For the current school year, bussing is available to and from Tyler Elementary, Savage Elementary, and Owen Intermediate in the Van Buren School District. Half-day and full-day care are available for children on school closing days and holidays (as space allows). Open Arms follows the Van Buren School Calendar in regards to care for Spring Break and other school closings. Please discuss any special needs with the center director.

Ages: 4 - 5 years

(This program is offered as an AM half day program [8:45am to 1:00pm] or as a full day program)

Children progress through their preschool years at different rates and have a wide range of abilities. It is our goal to build on these abilities and interests as we guide and teach them. We will provide opportunities for learning to meet the individual needs of each child to the best of our ability. To further ready children for Kindergarten, they will continue exploring through center time.

The Kindergarten Readiness Program will work on one letter each week, and often their daily activities will concentrate on that letter and theme. Children in this program will work with both upper-case and lower-case letters. Our reading curriculum introduces phonics, letter identification, rhyming and writing through journaling. Our math curriculum teaches and introduces concepts to children at their level and through lots of exploration.